A New Look And A new Focus
Nov. 2, 2020

Episode 142 | Rob Berrington | Entrepreneur, Biochemist, Health Advocate, Nootropics

Episode 142 | Rob Berrington | Entrepreneur, Biochemist, Health Advocate, Nootropics
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Watts Involved

On this episode I chat with Rob about his life and journey and Nootropics.

In 1995 a young boy was reading a book given to him by his father called Mega Brain Power, by Michael Hutchison.    This was the book which started his journey into the wonderful world of nootropics. Mega Brain Power was far ahead of its time. It introduced the idea of nootropics a good 20 years before they become a mainstream subject. In fact, that's where he came across the term "nootropic" for the very first time.    All the while he devoured any book he could find on the topic of self-help, and read many of the classics.    This early interest in the mind and in self-improvement, together with his love of biochemistry in school, as well as his interest in health and nutrition from his mom's side, led him to go on to complete a BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Pretoria. It was whilst he was at university that he started developing his first supplement, a multivitamin.    From University he entered into the field of personal development. He learned a lot along the way about human behavior, the mind, the flaws of the mind, counseling and critical thinking.    He then moved into consulting as a healthcare practitioner, where he learned much about what people desire from supplements.    From the wealth of customer feedback he could see for himself which supplements worked, what didn't work, and what was needed but was not yet available.    All during this time he was developing many different supplements. Whilst each supplement he developed seemed to be very different from the other, the making of each was teaching him all the valuable things he needed to know in order to finalize his ultimate creation, The Nootropic Multi.    Inspired by a mix of intuition, knowledge, personal experience, a genuine intention to bring about healing; and perhaps a touch of divine intervention, he created something extraordinary.    This was the alchemical process, the transmutation of the intangible, the spiritual, into the physical.   https://thenootropicmulti.com/ https://wattsinvolved.co.za/