A New Look And A new Focus
Aug. 5, 2024

Episode 260 | From the Hospital: Humor, Health, and Hope |

Episode 260 | From the Hospital: Humor, Health, and Hope |

🩺 **Health challenges**: My recent nerve conduction tests came back worse, leading to more frequent PolyGAM treatments. Struggling with diabetes and autoimmune diseases like CIDP and Myasthenia Gravis has been a rollercoaster, but I'm doing everything in my power to find stability.

🧘 **Mind and body connection**: Exploring alternative and traditional methods like a low to no carb diet, meditation, and advanced hypnosis has opened my eyes to the incredible power of the mind in healing.

✍️ **Resilience**: Even when commitments like daily logbooks and meditation fall by the wayside, it's essential to keep pushing forward and seek feedback and insights from others. This is a collective journey, and your experiences matter to me.

For those battling their own health issues or challenges, you're not alone. Let's share our experiences and work towards better health together. 🌟

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Watts Involved

I'm David Watts, and today, I'm opening up about some personal challenges and life updates. It's been a while since we last connected, and there's no fancy excuse for it—I wasn't feeling up to it. From dealing with worsening nerve conduction tests and managing out-of-control diabetes to exploring alternative healing methods and the power of the mind, I'll be sharing the rollercoaster of my health journey. Expect some humorous hospital anecdotes and a dive into the mysterious realms of self-healing and neuro-linguistic programming. Also, I genuinely want to hear from you—your experiences, thoughts, and stories. Let’s unite and support each other in this quest for better health and understanding. So, grab a seat, lend an ear, and join me as we navigate life's ups and downs on this episode of Watts Involved.


David Watts [00:00:00]:
Here we go. Another version edition broadcast episode of What's Involved, as you know. This is where I get to talk about things happening in my life and and what I'm doing about it. And, well, it's been a while since we've chatted. Can I think of an excuse for it? No. No. I know there's all sorts of rules about how much you should post and when you should post and what you should do. Truth be told, I just I didn't feel like it.

David Watts [00:00:37]:
I didn't feel like doing much of anything. So what has happened, I'm sure I've mentioned. The, nerve stimulation, nerve conduction tests came back worse, so My PolyGAM schedule is now up to 1, 2, 4 weeks. Needless to say, stuffed it up this last time and, missed it by more than a week. Anyway, I was in on Friday and, chatted to the doc. I now have my own specialist physician to add to my list of ologists and ishins. So we'll see we'll see what happens there. My, diabetes has been totally out of control, so I've been fighting to to do that.

David Watts [00:01:22]:
And I know that I've spoken about, you know, what can I do? Not just not just the victim, okay? Not just the martyrs saying, poor poor me, look at me. So, anyway, hospital stay, fairly uneventful. You know? I got a private room, which means I was the only one there. It's the only difference, really, between that and a ward. Don't get better food. Don't get better attention. Very much the same. Anyway, an interesting thing happened, though.

David Watts [00:01:57]:
There was a guy in a ward, probably, what, 3 doors down from me. I'm not sure what he was in for and just making sort of you know, picking up on the tail ends of various conversations from the nurses. He did have a bit of a mental challenge. But for some reason, visiting hours on the Friday afternoon when I was there, he decided that it was a fairly good idea to chat up the wife of the guy next to him. The guy next to him, his wife and daughter were visiting, and he thought it was particularly good idea to to chat them up and apparently in a not so subtle way. So they complained to the nurses' station, as is their right. Okay. The next second, the guy in another bed went to the bathroom.

David Watts [00:02:55]:
This same guy who just previously chatted up mother and daughter grabbed his phone and phoned his wife and started chatting her up. Now on the one hand, you look at that, and it's and it's tragic. But also bear in mind, you know, I'm in a cancer and oncology ward, and you have to find humor where you can. And just watching found it funny. Okay? I tell you funny stories about me doing dumb things all the time. Eventually, they decided they couldn't leave him on the ward because he would escape and then go and cause trouble, where wherever he was. So, eventually, they found a private room for him in another ward where he wouldn't cause trouble, presumably. And as they were as they were wheeling him out, and and I could hear the sisters sort of saying, okay.

David Watts [00:04:04]:
Finally, we made a plan. I hear him going, hang on a second. I just wanna say goodbye. And he jumps out of that wheelchair, and he barrels down the length of the ward again, wanting to go and say goodbye to all these new friends and particularly, you know, visiting hours, all the all the hot babes that were there. And as I said, yeah, I had to find it funny because otherwise, what? Otherwise, you you start to think about who the person is and what their problems are, and that rabbit hole is not one to go down. So talking about rabbit holes and going down them, I know, we've spoken, and I said, you know, for me, we're looking at some some alternative ways of doing things now, and I don't like the use of alternative, different, maybe ancient, maybe traditional. So one of the things that's different is I've been, eating a very low carb diet, low to no carbs, in fact. So I'm finally starting to get some semblance of of order in terms of my of my, sugar levels.

David Watts [00:05:21]:
Okay? I am still going to be going to see the specialist physician. So he reckons there's some new stuff out and about that's that's gonna help there. That's a positive. Meditation, which I was telling you I do every day, not so much. You know? And I think, I don't know, this is part of it. I think as you get to the stage and you're you're kind of going, okay, I'm committed. I'm doing this, and then you start feeling so bad that you don't want to do anything, so you don't, but that's probably when you should. Then what else was I gonna share with you? And then the writing.

David Watts [00:06:03]:
Yeah. The writing, my my sort of daily logbook about what happens, how I feel, what are my thoughts here. That's out of the window. So what does that mean? Does it mean that I'm a failure? Does it mean I am not in integrity with myself? Yeah. That part I would agree with. I don't think I am because I made agreements, and I'm and I'm not keeping them. So I've gotta get back on track there. Lately, I've been very focused on, you know, healing the body and and how the body can heal and just looking at some of the the stories and the the techniques that are out around there and and looking at some people's sort of miraculous recoveries.

David Watts [00:06:54]:
And I'm wondering to myself, are those miraculous recoveries because of the process or the methods that were used on them or because they wafted themselves with feathers from some, you know, or some forest dwelling bird that only lives in a remote corner of the African Highlands or something, or was it something else? Was it belief? Because our mind is an incredibly, incredibly powerful machine, and I don't think we understand just how powerful. Okay? And, there's there's sort of all sorts of esoteric thought about where disease begins and and what happens before it finally manifests in your body. Listening to that, whatever my sort of trauma or energy blockage or blockages is or are, certainly involved me not wanting to walk anywhere, but that's that's an aside. So I've been doing a lot of looking into the whole power of the mind and and what the mind, is capable. Of course, then I went down the rabbit hole of who are you? Are you your mind? No. Are you your body? No. You know, because you feel that that that the bit that's thinking is not mind or body. So that's been that's been an an challenging or interesting, thought pattern to develop over the world.

David Watts [00:08:47]:
But I think I'm going to I'm gonna be doing some more of that. I may or may not have told you. I am a, master in neurolinguistic programming person, and I've just recently finished, which surprised even me, the advanced, Ericssonian hypnosis or hip hypnotherapist certification. So I believe a lot in in this, you know, hypnosis and being able to change states, etcetera, etcetera. Done a couple of of recordings that I've I've put together that are designed for healing. Along the road there, I came up with the whole and sacred frequencies, etcetera, etcetera. So there was another detour. You see, these things take time.

David Watts [00:09:45]:
Essentially, where I am today yesterday, I thought I was gonna be okay. Yesterday was Monday. I went in on Friday. Saturday, I thought I dodged a bullet. Sunday, I caught the the full magazine. Yesterday, I was doing okay, and then, crashed. Had trouble sleeping last night. I was up and about again at 3 o'clock this morning, and yet today, today is a new day.

David Watts [00:10:10]:
So, I'm not gonna make any sweeping statements about what I'm gonna do and how clever I'm going to be and when I'm going to come up with what my answers are. What I'm looking for is is your answers. I'm looking at your contribution. What are your experiences? What are your thoughts? Because this is this is not a I alone thing. I don't believe this whole having autoimmune diseases. The I I asked the doc on on Friday. They've they've kind of said it's like trying to play whack a mole, sort of, you know, finding out exactly what else I have. The CIDP is is there.

David Watts [00:10:54]:
That's definite, and all their little tests show it. Myasthenia gravis is there, and then there's other ones that pop up and down and do all sorts of things which are causing all sorts of interesting reactions like, massive cramps. I've told you about those. So, definitely CIDP, and, almost definitely myasthenia gravis. There could be a bit of stiff man syndrome involved there. And at this point, I'm telling you there is a joke there, and I'm not gonna use it. K? Good. Alright.

David Watts [00:11:37]:
So that that's about it, and, I'm gonna I'm gonna see what happens and and, do this again when I can't and and feedback on on any more successes or failures that I've had. One of the NLP presuppositions is there is no failure, only feedback. So I've had quite a bit of feedback over the last little while. But as always, I'd love to hear from you. If you enjoy the ramblings and the musings, then please just, put your finger right and do it like the pros do it, David. Down there somewhere there somewhere, there is, the like and subscribe button, and please comment as well. I would I would dearly love to hear from you. For you poor suckers listening to the audio vision, you missed out on my gorgeous countenance.

David Watts [00:12:39]:
Yes. That was irony, sarcasm, all of that 12 into 1. For those of you that are listening, to the audio, please also, you know, leave a review on Itunes or give it a like and whatever you need to do there and grow this and talk. Talk, talk, talk. Add something to the conversation so that together, we can all contribute to understanding these processes and understanding why we have them and what the heck we can do to get back to perfect health, which is what I'm aiming for, You know? In in in in sort of years, I am 56 years old. But inside my head, I still feel like that young bright eyed teenager that was ready to take on the world. I don't look like that anymore, but I I certainly don't think I feel old or look that old, you know, and closer to 60, and I am to 50. But, hey, 60 is the new forty, so let's see.

David Watts [00:13:42]:
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, at this time for me to each and every one of you. Look after yourselves. Take care. Thank you for sharing your time with me, and, I wish you nothing but the best. Everything that you deserve. And if you're going through any health problems at the moment or any problems, you know, all over the interwebs, there's a way to get hold of me. You can get hold of me at David, yeah. David what is your name again? david@wattsinvolved.co.za

David Watts [00:14:20]:

I'm on Facebook. I'm on LinkedIn. I'm on those other picture things. So probably Facebook for the old fart or an email. Okay? So chat to you soon. Until then, do take care, and be kind.