On this episode I chat with Dr Isaac Bentwitch about his 12 year labour of love to translate the original Bhagavad Gita into English. It's an incredible translation and loses nothing of it's beauty and poetry, Isaac has been ...
On this episode I speak to "The Culture Guy" Colin Browne about company culture how it can improve the workplace and your company bottom line. We also talk about his new culture board game "Iceberg". A brilliant way to lear...
On this episode I chatted to LinkedIn marketing genius Matt Clark about his business and his LinkedIn trainings. The hour flew past and Matt was one of the best interviews I have had in a long while. I have taken …
On this episode I chat with John Sanei about his latest book Foresight, the hour we shared together was way too short. He truly is what I would describe as a Renaissance man, trend specialist, business strategist, author, ent...
On this episode Lourens and I talk about traditional retirement plans, why they don't work and what we can do to change this. Despite the doom and gloom it's not all bad news and there are some concrete steps we …
On this episode I chat with one of the most inspirational people I have met. Richard Wright, Iron man, single father, cancer survivor. Richard and I went quite deep as he spoke freely about being diagnosed with stage 4 brain...
On this episode I chat with martial arts expert Pierre Aucamp about the importance of breathing and how by practicing conscious breathing you can quite literally change your life. https://curiouspierre.wordpress.com/
On this episode I chat with Dr Dawson Church about his best selling books "Genie In Your Genes" and "Mind To Matter" Both are great reads when it comes to human potential and the scientific advancements in Epigenetics. He is...
On this episode I chat with Internet marketing genius Andie Brockelhurst about the basic steps we need to take in order to start an online business www.andiebrockelhurst.com https://joins11.convertri.com/ Go here if you would...
On this episode I chat with Lourens Oberholzer about personal financial coaching and why we should consider getting a personal financial coach. https://www.retirerichandhappy.co.za/
On this episode I chat with Spiro Georgopoulos CEO of GroBank about their focus on the agriculture and food relates services. They have idnetified how agriculture, food and water will be the biggest economic drivers in the y...
On this episode I chat to Robin about his life, his journey and the brilliant new book he's published called Get Activated. http://robinpullen.com/
On this episode I chat with GG Alcock, sometimes known as "The White Zulu" about his life as the child of activist parents. His entering the working world and subsequent starting of his own business in the townships of South …
On this episode I chat to Tim Keys founder and CEO of The Sales Institute about the new world of selling and the fact that we are all actually sales people. https://salesinstitute.co.za/
On this episode I chat to Lourens Oberholzer about the death of traditional retirement. Gone are the days when you got a job worked hard, saved and contributed to a pension fund. These days you have to look at things …
On this episode I chat with Andre Hoffman about the launch of a fantastic service called Mytechie which is like Uber, or Air bnb for Technicians. https://www.mytechiesa.co.za/
On this episode I chat to Erik about his journey as an entrepreneur, from a daily email to author and high performance coach
On this episode I chat to Matt Brown who has one of the most listened to Podcasts in the country and it has also been recognised internationally. I also chat to Matt about his newest business venture DigitalKungfu https://dig...
On this episode I chat to Andie Brockelhurst internet marketing wizard about how to get started in the world of online marketing and how to start your own online business https://www.andiebrocklehurst.com/
On this episode I chat to Conny founder of The Cosmetics Chef about her journey to starting a new business as well a her book and the courses she offers. http://thecosmeticschef.com/
On this episode I chat to Lourens from RRH about amongst other things a fascinating concept called moving your zero back to zero https://www.retirerichandhappy.co.za/
On this episode we chat to Amanda Rogaly about starting up this amazing portal and what her plans are for the future. She certainly is a fire cracker
On this episode I chat to Denis Vaden about State 5 Coffee and their latest acquisitions and making State 5 mobile. Denis is a great guest and well worth a listen he shares some of his secrets to success and …
On this episode we chat to Lourens Oberholzer from Retire Rich And Happy. We talk about the RRH Forum and New Years Resolutions, why do we not achieve our goals and what can we do to achieve our goals.